Tomb of Sargeras Raid Guides for World of Warcraft: strategies, trash, map (2024)

The Tomb of Sargeras is a raid instance introduced in the World of Warcraft:Legion expansion. The raid is available in the following difficulties andsizes:

  • Raid Finder;
  • Normal mode (between 10 and 30 players, using the flex system);
  • Heroic mode (between 10 and 30 players, using the flex system);
  • Mythic mode, the hardest difficulty in the game (available only in 20-man size).

This is the 20th raid tier, in terms of PvE progression, and is the secondraid to feature Tier sets and bonuses in Legion.

Boss Order

The order in which the 9 bosses must be tackled is as follows:

  1. Goroth Strategy Guide
  2. 3 paths open up, which you can complete in any order
    • Path 1
      1. Demonic Inquisition Strategy Guide
    • Path 2
      1. Harjatan Strategy Guide
      2. Mistress Sassz'ine Strategy Guide
    • Path 3
      1. Sisters of the Moon Strategy Guide
      2. The Desolate Host Strategy Guide
  3. Maiden of Vigilance Strategy Guide
  4. Fallen Avatar Strategy Guide
  5. Kil'jaeden Strategy Guide

Goroth must be defeated to access the other bosses. After Gorothhas been vanquished, the raid is split into 3 paths, which can be approached inthe order of your choosing. After these paths have been cleared, you can tacklethe final bosses.

Overview of the Instance

The raid instance is located on the Broken Shore, and can be quickly andeasily accessed by flight paths.

Goroth is the first encounter in the Tomb of Sargeras. You mustkill Goroth to access all the following bosses, many of which can be donein an order of the raid's choosing. It is a single phase, with proceduraland repeatable mechanics. The fight focuses on managing the environment inorder to survive otherwise lethal mechanics.

The Demonic Inquisition (Atrigan and Belac) is part of theWailing Halls of the Tomb of Sargeras and can be defeated at any time. This fightis technically a single phase, though it features the Tomb of Sargeras Raid Guides for World of Warcraft: strategies, trash, map (1) Torment mechanicthat will transport you into an isolated demonic prison upon reaching maximum.Players will have to collect Remnants of Hope and battle the desolate horrorwithin in order to escape with their lives and return to continue the fightagainst the Inquisition.

Harjatan is the first boss in the Abyssal Throne wing of the raid.The raid can choose when to tackle this boss, but he must be defeated in orderto access Mistress Sassz'ine. It is a simple "tank and spank" styleencounter with reinforcements joining the fray at 2 major intervals. Whilehis mechanics are conventional and telegraphed, failure to execute can resultin instant destruction, reinforcing Harjatan the Bludger's status as a bosswith the ability to deal a serious punch.

The Sisters of the Moon (Huntress Kasparian, Captain Yathae Moonstrike,and Priestess Lunaspyre) can be tackled any time after Gorothhas been defeated. They must be brought down in order to access The Desolate Host.This encounter is teeming with mechanics and complexity, presenting a healthychallenge to any challengers. There are 3 distinct phases to the fight, andin each phase the group faces off against a different active Sister. The other2 Sisters will be incorporeal and unassailable but they will continue tobarrage the group with their potent magics. The floor is actually theTomb of Sargeras Raid Guides for World of Warcraft: strategies, trash, map (2) Font of Elune, continually changing based on the phases of the moon.Standing on the light side of the moon will continually increase the damagetaken from Arcane mechanics, while standing on the dark side of the moon willincrease the damage from the Shadow mechanics. Correctly managing your currentdebuff with respect to the ability timers is essential to the success of theraid.

Mistress Sassz'ine is available once Harjatan has beenbrought down. It is a 3-phase encounter that focuses primarily on environmentalmechanics. The group will have to deal with enemies at key times and use their uniqueattributes in order to prevail against other abilities and foes present duringthe fight.

The Desolate Host can be accessed after the Sisters of the Moon are defeated.This fight takes place in 2 simultaneous planes; the corporeal realm and thespirit realm. The Engine of Souls will engage the corporeal playerswhile Soul Queen Dejahna stands watch over the spirit realm. Both bossesshare health. At 30%, The Desolate Host is formed and engages the raiddirectly. Players of Warlords of Draenor may find this encounter very similarin style and tempo to Gorefiend from Hellfire Citadel.

The Maiden of Vigilance is the seventh boss in the Tomb. This is a2-phase encounter where the Maiden will bring to bear the combined might ofboth Holy and Fel magic. Players will be branded with eitherTomb of Sargeras Raid Guides for World of Warcraft: strategies, trash, map (3) Light Infusion or Tomb of Sargeras Raid Guides for World of Warcraft: strategies, trash, map (4) Fel Infusion, and coming into contact witha player or mechanic of the opposite type will cause Tomb of Sargeras Raid Guides for World of Warcraft: strategies, trash, map (5) Unstable Soul.This fight requires patience and coordination to emerge victorious.

The Fallen Avatar is the penultimate peril housed within the Tombof Sargeras. The fight has 2 distinct phases; early on, the awakened Avatarof Sargeras struggles to regain full power and will engage the raid locked inplace. He will corrupt nearby machinery and titan constructs which will alsobattle the group as he attempts to reach full Energy, while the raid groupwill attempt to suppress his ascendance as long as possible. Upon finallyreaching 100 Energy he shatters his bonds and the floor, dropping the raiddown into the Fel below and bringing his full power to bear.

Kil'jaeden the Deceiver is the final and most intricateencounter in the Tomb of Sargeras. A 5-phase fight, players will take thefight to the Eredar Lord himself on his command ship. It is a lengthy anddemanding encounter that will require everything you have in orderto achieve total victory over one of the Legion's greatest leaders.

Tomb of Sargeras Raid Guides for World of Warcraft: strategies, trash, map (2024)


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