Table of Contents
- ×Introduction
- 1. Contents
- 2. Lore
- 3. Outline
- 4. TL;DR
- 4.1. Tanks
- 4.2. Healers
- 4.3. DPS
- 4.4. Everyone
- 5. Positioning
- 6. Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
- 7. Changelog
- +Abilities
- 1. Overview
- 2. All Phases
- 2.1. Font of Elune
- 2.1.1. Lunar Suffusion
- 2.1.2. Umbra Suffusion
- 2.1.3. Astral Purge
- 2.1. Font of Elune
- 3. Phase One: The Huntress
- 3.1. Huntress Kasparian
- 3.1.1. Twilight Glaive
- 3.1.2. Moon Glaive
- 3.2. Captain Yathae Moonstrike
- 3.2.1. Incorporeal Shot
- 3.2.2. Twilight Volley
- 3.2.3. Shadow Shot
- 3.3. Priestess Lunaspyre
- 3.3.1. Embrace of the Eclipse
- 3.3.2. Moon Burn
- 3.3.3. Lunar Strike
- 3.1. Huntress Kasparian
- 4. Phase Two: Bow of the Night
- 4.1. Captain Yathae Moonstrike
- 4.1.1. Call Moontalon
- 4.1.2. Rapid Shot
- 4.1.3. Twilight Volley
- 4.2. Huntress Kasparian
- 4.2.1. Glaive Storm
- 4.2.2. Twilight Glaive
- 4.2.3. Spectral Glaive
- 4.3. Priestess Lunaspyre
- 4.3.1. Embrace of the Eclipse
- 4.3.2. Moon Burn
- 4.3.3. Lunar Strike
- 4.1. Captain Yathae Moonstrike
- 5. Phase Three: Wrath of Elune
- 5.1. Priestess Lunaspyre
- 5.1.1. Lunar Beacon
- 5.1.2. Lunar Fire
- 5.1.3. Moon Burn
- 5.2. Huntress Kasparian
- 5.2.1. Glaive Storm
- 5.2.2. Twilight Glaive
- 5.2.3. Spectral Glaive
- 5.3. Captain Yathae Moonstrike
- 5.3.1. Incorporeal Shot
- 5.3.2. Twilight Volley
- 5.3.3. Shadow Shot
- 5.1. Priestess Lunaspyre
- 6. Changelog
- +Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics
- 1. Overview
- 2. Positioning
- 2.1. All Phases
- 2.2. Phase One
- 2.3. Phase Two
- 2.4. Phase Three
- 3. Tank Concerns
- 4. Healing Concerns
- 5. Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
- +Mythic Strategy
- 1. Mythic Mode Abilities
- 2. Strategy
- 3. Changelog
General Information
Welcome to our World of Warcraft encounter guide for Sisters of the Moon inTomb of Sargeras. We will teach you everything you need to know to defeat theboss in every difficulty.
On this particular page, we will give you a short overview of the fight aswell as a list of things to watch out for (include LFR tips when applicable).
The other pages of our Sisters of the Moon guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.
To make it easy to navigate the guide, we have split it into3 pages:
- Abilities: read about the encounter abilities;
- Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics: find out how to defeat the encounter in Normal and Heroic modes;
- Mythic Strategy: learn how to handle the new mechanics and increased difficulty of Mythic mode.
The Sisters of the Moon are the fourth boss in the Tomb of Sargeras.
The Sisters of the Moon served as wardens for the temple long before theavatar of Sargeras was buried beneath it. Even in death, the sisters maintainedtheir vigil, but over the millennia something twisted their ability todistinguish friend from foe. Their madness slowly consumed them, and now anywho enter their sacred chambers are put to death.
The fight against the Sisters of the Moon is a three phase encounter, with adifferent sister being the active boss in each phase. The other two sisterswill be unassailable during this time but will still perform mechanics towatch out for. The Sisters of the Moon do share a health pool, however, and theywill all go down together. The raid begins against Huntress Kasparian, whoengages the raid until 70% health. Captain Yathae Moonstrike will then takeover along with her ally Moontalon. Finally, at 40% health, PriestessLunaspyre will battle the raid until the end.
Here is a preview of the LFR difficulty from the PTR.
- When Huntress Kasparian is active, ensure Moon Glaive hits themaximum number of targets and clear the Discorporate debuff bytriggering Astral Purge.
- Pick up and tank Moontalon when it spawns while Captain YathaeMoonstrike is active.
- When Priestess Lunaspyre is active, perform a taunt swap when you reach5+ stacks of Lunar Fire.
- Pay careful attention to the raid's health when Incorporeal Shotis happening.
- Coordinate throughput healing cooldowns for Embrace of the Eclipse.
- When Moontalon begins to spam Deathly Screech be ready tospam the tank and melee stack with healing.
- Glaive Storm and Spectral Glaive can quickly chunk theraid and will require quick surgical healing.
- Focus down Moontalon and quickly finish it when it falls below25% to minimize damage from Deathly Screech.
- Do as much damage as possible to the shielded target during Embrace of the Eclipse.
- Trigger Astral Purge if your Umbra Suffusion or Lunar Suffusion stacks get too high, or you are targeted by a mechanicthat deals damage matching your current suffusion.
- Stand in line with the player targeted by Incorporeal Shot tosplit the damage.
- Avoid any incidental damage from Twilight Glaive and Glaive Storm.
- Avoid Twilight Volley.
- Trigger Astral Purge to clear Moon Burn.
- Avoid the barrage triggered at the end of Lunar Beacon.
Positioning during this encounter is very flexible, as it is largely apersonal responsibility encounter fixated on avoiding projectile basedmechanics. During Incorporeal Shot the raid will want to stackas many members as possible in the line to split the damage. Otherwise,a clean spread throughout the room is most ideal to ensure minimal movementfrom projectiles targeting individuals.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warpwhen Priestess Lunaspyre becomes active. This is the longest and most difficultphase of the fight and Bloodlust is very benefical to both damage andhealing in this phase. This is not set in stone, however, and it can be usedin whatever phase the group is struggling with the most. Using it on the pullis best for damage efficiency, and using it in the second phase can be helpfulin eliminating Moontalon quickly.
- 09 Jul. 2017 (mythic page): Mythic page added.
- 27 May 2017 (abilities page): Guide added.
- 27 May 2017 (this page): Guide added.
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