The earnings statement created by this application is based on real-time information from Banner. If you have questions about the information in your earnings statement, please contact your department supervisor.
Please note the pay period beginning and ending dates and the pay date of your earnings statement. Web-based earnings statements will be available three days prior to the pay date.
My UI Info: Mobile Device Shortcut for Earnings Statement
If you use a phone, tablet, or other mobile device to view the My UI Info Earnings Statement, new functionality is available that allows you to add a shortcut to the home screen of your device. Once added, using the shortcut will take you directly to the Earnings Statement login screen.
Please see the Earnings Statement Mobile Shortcut Guide for instructions if you are interested in using the shortcut.
This change does not affect how you view the earnings statements, or any other functionality of the application. If you use the Earnings Statement application exclusively on a desktop or laptop, you will not see any changes.
Key Information
- Employees paid bi-weekly should note that when three pay periods are paid in the same month, only statutory deductions will be taken from the third pay period of that month. Examples of statutory deductions include Federal tax, State tax, SURS, Medicare tax, and Social Security tax (if applicable).
- For non-exempt (overtime eligible) employees, vacation accruals in a pay period are added to an employee's balance first and then hours used are deducted from that balance. Therefore, it is imperative that employees manage their vacation use in order to maximize their accruals. If you are at or close to reaching your maximum limit, notify your supervisor so that you can discuss arrangements to reduce your balance so that you may continue accruing leave time.
- For questions, please submit a ticket through the University Payroll & Benefits Portalor call University Payroll & Benefits: Urbana 217-265-6363, Chicago 312-996-7200, Springfield 217-206-7144.
For employees with payroll deductions, effective for calendar year 2020, payroll deductions for parking are no longer treated as taxable income.
Academic and exempt (not overtime eligible) Civil Service Employees: For help interpreting the Leave Benefits Summary that appears on your earnings statement, please read theLeave Balance Announcement.
State benefits-eligible employees:
- Understand deduction code description changes effective December 2016.
- Visit CMS MyBenefits to verify your state benefit deduction amounts. For login help, see MyBenefits FAQs.